About Us
The FedEx Ski Club is open to all employee, both active and retired, of the FedEx family of companies worldwide. Our passion is skiing or riding. Be it Alpine, Nordic,or Snowboard. We feel a oneness with nature when we are flying down the slopes or trecking through the woods. We love sharing our passion be it with old friends and teammates or new members who we hope to infect with this passion, thereby becoming old friends and teammates. The club offers the chance to enjoy other passions at the same time. The passion to travel to many different places in the world. To learn about and experience the many different cultures that exist. To meet the world and come back home all that richer because you met a hecka of a lot of fun people and made some good and lasting friendships. All because you joined the FedEx Ski Club and let us introduce to our passion play, The Ski Week.
The ski week looks really fun to you, but your internal or external(or both)accountant says the costs for the ski week look as steep as the slopes you want to go down. So here is how you speak to your accountant in a language he/she will understand. We belong to two organizations. NAASF and IASF. Remember those names. We will get back to them in a minute and tell you who they are as soon as we finish with your accountant. Because of NAASF on the domestic side and IASF on the international side we get up to 50% off on lift tickets(for those non epic or ikon people) and lodging. We get 15-30% off equipment rental and ski school and lessons. We also get 15-30% off retail at participating locations on and around the mountain. We don't pay retail. That makes accountants very happy. If the accountant is still nagging you about the costs. Tell him if you never spent any money, why would I need an accountant in the first place. They usually let some of your money see the light of day at that point.
Back to who NAASF and IASF are. NAASF is the North American Airlines Ski Federation. It is the organization who puts on the domestic ski weeks. It puts on three ski weeks a season at three different locations. Places we have been to include Aspen, Vail, Jackson Hole, Whistler, Steamboat Springs, Banff. It's membership includes all the major airlines of North America. FedEx is a member of NAASF. IASF is the International Airlines Ski Federation. It is the counterpart to NAASF on the international side. Most major airlines of the world and many smaller ones are memmbers of the IASF. FedEx is a member of the IASF. The IASF puts on the WASC(World Airine Ski Championships) once a year, usually in March, all around the world. A different location every year. We have been to multiple locations in Europe and North America. We have also been to Japan.
What is a ski week like? The ski week officially starts on Monday for NAASF, and Sunday for IASF, but many arrive a day early so they are ready to go on Sunday or Monday. A few do arrive fashionably late (but mainly do to schedule conflicts). You arrive on the day that best works for you. For NAASF ski weeks Sundays are settle in days. You have already registered online at naasf.com, you ski till it is apré ski time and chill with you teammate and fellow airline skier. For the IASF week, You arrive Saturday/Sunday, having registered online and ski the day away. Offical functions start on Sunday. To register for NAASF you need to go to naasf.com(you can click on the any of the NAASF logos on the website to go there) to create an account .You need to create an account before you go on a NAASF ski week. Once you have created an account, you can register for specific ski weeks on the NAASF website. For the IASF ski week, we will send out information for registration. It is different for each WASC. There is a registration fee for each week. For NAASF the registration fee will vary depending on if you race or not and the venue for the week. The current fees are on the NAASF website.You also check with us for the current fees. It covers the discounted lift ticket, the parties and events and racing if you are a racer. The registration fee for the WASC will depend on the location for the week. Everyone pays the same registration fee whether you race or not.
Here is a look at a typical NAASF ski week.
Arrive - On your own schedule Free Night
Free Skiing/Riding - Non-Racers explore the mountain
Race Training - Snowboard and Skis
Après Ski @ Designated Bar
Monday Welcome Party in the evening
Free Skiing/Riding - Non-Racers explore the mountain
Race Training - Skis
Snowboard Race
Après Ski @ Designated Bar
Team/Club Dinners
Each team/club gets together for dinner. Some are as simple as pizza in a hotel room, others are a dinner in a restaurant. This is a great way to meet and get to know new and returning members in the FedEx Ski & Snowboard Club!
Post Dinner @ Designated Bar(s)
Free Skiing/Riding - Non-Racers explore the mountain
Ski Races ("A" Team and "B" Team)
Après Ski @ Designated Bar
Theme Party - This is a "not to miss" event.
Each week a different theme is announced and everyone is requested to wear a costume.
Free Skiing/Riding - Non-Racers explore the mountain
Ski Races ("A" Team and "B" Team)
Après Ski @ Designated Bar
Free Night, except for the last ski week of the season. There will be an awards banquet and party.
The WASC is "slightly" different, in that their race training begins on Sunday and races begin on Monday (NAASF trains on Monday and begins racing on Tuesday). The WASC has Alpine, Nordic, Snowboard and a "Fun Race", a screwy, zany type race for everyone, racers and non racers alike. There is also a food bizarre. All the club/teams bring food from all over the world to share.
The parties are always a fun event and a good place to meet members of the other airline ski teams. The welcome parties on Sunday for the IASF and Monday for NAASF are the getting the ski week off to a festive start. The Wednesday night parties are often a memorable night. The creativity of some of the teams and their costumes is amazing. The Thursday awards party differs a bit in tone and nature between the two. For NAASF, the awards dinner is on the Thursday of the final ski week of the season. For the WASC it is a bit more old school and formal in attire. You get to see how all the ski teams clean up pretty nicely. It looks like a formal cocktail party. Most of the guys are in tie and jacket and the ladies are in cocktail dresses. You could also see members in their national or native dress.
After reading all of this, maybe you still have a question or two. Listed below is the contact information for the club. You can contact the president of the ski club for any question you may have about the club, the team, a ski week, or anything else that might pop up. There are also two team captains. One for NAASF and one for IASF. The team captain is the person who is actually running the ski week and will be at the ski week location. The team captain is who you contact for ski week information. Let the team captan know if you plan to attend a ski week so he can keep you updated on the latest information for that ski week.
Check out all our social media. It is listed in the contact information. We have a Facebook club group page, so go there and become a member(you still have to register on the NAASF website also). We are on Instagram and Twitter.
While we have no offical connection to FedEx Corp and it many companies. We still do represent FedEx in the eyes of the public. As employees of FedEx we know what the company expects of us when we are on the job representing FedEx. We know the company code of conduct. We expect no less of our members and their guests, be it family and friends, in representing the ski club, the ski team, and FedEx. It is FedEx's brand and our brand also.
Ski Club President
Bob Morrow
Ski Club Vice President
Jeremy Hanson
Tom Smiley
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/FedExSkiClub