Constitution of the FedEx Ski and Snowboard Club:

I. Name and Objectives
This association shall be known as the FedEx Ski & Snowboard Club (The legal name shall be FXSC if appropriate), hereinafter referred to as" the club"

It is a nonprofit organization, and its objectives shall be:

A. To promote organized winter sports, both recreational and competitive, for its

members, prospective members, and guests.

B. To collect and disseminate information on winter sports (e.g., facilities, resorts,

accommodations and techniques) for members, prospective members, and guests.

C. To participate in, organize and operate winter sports events.

D. To join and participate in the activities of other winter sport organizations that interest

and benefit the club in

attaining these objectives.
E. To purchase, own, rent and sell items, both real and personal, for the carrying out of

club objectives herein expressed.
II. Membership
A. Membership is extended to all who are in agreement with the objectives of the Club regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information, military service, or other protected status, provided they comply with the requirements expressed in the Constitution and By-Laws.
B. Membership shall consist of 1. Employee Member 2. Honorary members
C. Requirement for membership:
i. Be an active FedEx employee, or an employee of any other entity that has merged or absorbed into what is now known as FedEx or Federal Express or FedEx owned subsidiaries.
ii. Be a Retired employee of FedEx, or any other entity that has merged or absorbed into what is now known as FedEx, or Federal Express or FedEx owned subsidiaries. Iii. In regard to furloughed employees, they may retain their membership status as long as they are considered furloughed by FedEx. Racing eligibility will be determined by the rules in effect for the IASF or NAASF at the time of the race.
iv. Honorary Membership: The Executive Committee may from time to time offer honorary membership to a person who is not an employee or retiree of FedEx but has aided the club in various functions over a period of time. That person shall enjoy all the benefits of membership, except they shall not be able to vote on club matters or business.
v. Pay annual dues (Honorary members are not required to pay dues)
vi. Acknowledge or sign Release of liability, Waiver of claims, Assumption of risks and indemnity Agreement. The waiver will be on the club/team website( where it can be acknowledged electronically, or sign a hard copy at a ski week.

III. Government
A. The officers of the club shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer. They shall also make up the Executive committee
B. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, the “A”,”B” and Snowboard Team Captains, and the immediate past president of the club.
C. The President shall be empowered to create additional special positions and committees with the consent of the executive committee.

Club year shall run from July 1 to June 30 also known as season. Fiscal year shall run from July1 to June 30

Executive Committee/Board Meetings
i. There shall be an Executive Committee and, or, Board Meeting at least once during the season.
ii. A majority of four(4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present to transact Club business. A majority vote is necessary to carry all decisions unless otherwise stated.
Iii. Attendance, for the sake of obtaining a quorum, shall mean available in person, by phone, or video chat (such as zoom),
iv. There shall be a General Membership Meeting at the first or second ski week of the season. It will take place at the team dinner. It will be announced in the fall preceding the start of the ski season.

V. Ratification and Amendment
A. Ratification of this Constitution shall be made by approval of the membership after it has been approved by the Executive Committee and the Board.
B. Amendments to this Constitution shall be affected by approval of the membership after it has been approved by the Executive Committee and the Board.
C. Proposals placed before the membership will be approved by a simple majority vote. Amendments to the bylaws or constitution required a two thirds majority approval.

This Constitution is has been adopted July 1, 2023
Robert Morrow, President, FedEx Ski and Snowboard Club (FXSC)

Jeremy Hanson, Vice President, FedEx Ski and Snowboard Club(FXSC)

Thomas Smiley, Secretary/Treasurer, FedEx Ski and Snowboard Club (FXSC)